
FEW2.9 GraphQL Seminar Lessons 2 & 6

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to use


  • GIT installed
  • NPM installed


  1. Navigate to and/or create the directory where you want to install the app.

  2. In terminal/shell, enter: git clone git@github.com:MackRoe/GettingStarted-GraphQL.git

  3. Then, still in terminal, do: npm install to install the needed node modules.

  4. To run the app, enter: npm start and navigate to localhost:4000/graphql in your browser.

The UI

The User Interface

Queries are added on the left and the data returned appears on the right. To send a query, click the run [>] button.

The Queries

  • functional

{ allPets { name } }

{ getPet(index: 0) { name } }

{ getTime { hour second minute } }

{ getRandom(range: 100) }

{ petCount { total } }

{ petsInRange(start: 0, count: 2) { name } }

{ getPetBySpecies(species: "Cat") { name } }

{ allSpecies { name } }

The Mutations (CRUD)

  • Create:

mutation { addPet(name, species) { name } }

  • Read: Use getPet query

  • Update

mutation { updatePet(id, name, species) { name } }

  • Delete

mutation { deletePet(id: 1) { name } }