Zendesk Ticket Retriever

CLI Python interface for retrieving customer service tickets. (in development)

To Use


  • Python3


Clone this repo into the directory of your choice via terminal, using the following command:

git clone git@github.com:MackRoe/PythonZendeskChallenge.git

To Run

This program is designed to be run within a virtual environment. In terminal, within the directory where you've cloned the code, install the virtual environment by entering:

python3 -m venv env

Activate the virtual environment by entering:

source env/bin/activate

Then install the requirements by running:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then enter the following to run the program:

python3 tickets.py

You should see the following:


Enter your choice to see the program in action!

(As of most recent commit, all choice options, 1, 2, and 3 are functional.)