
Weather app using the OpenWeatherMap API that allows anonymous users to input their mood each day corresponding to the weather

Primary LanguagePython


How to Use

  1. clone this repo
  2. install OpenWeatherMap (see below)
  3. go to OpenWeatherMap
  4. sign up then go to api key tab
  5. create a settings.py file and add the following text: OWM_KEY = <'your_api_key_here'>
  6. replace 'your_api_key_here' with the api key given to you by OpenWeatherMap, in quotes
  7. save settings.py
  8. go to terminal and enter the following: python3 main.py

APP Version

After entering a token mood, the server will start on Local Host. Load in browser.

Install OpenWeatherMap

by entering pip3 instal pyowm in the terminal