401 JS -- Lab 44 Deploy Frontend

Submission Instructions

  • Create a repoistory on you github account
  • Copy a frontend project into your repository
  • Submit a link to a frontend deployed using heroku


  • Include a .gitignore
  • Include a README.md
  • Include a package.json

Feature Tasks

  • Configure a Heroku app to automaticly build an deploy your frontend on merge or push to master
    • Setup all necessiary env vars
  • Add a start task to your package.json to run your static server
  • Add a heroku-postbuild task to your package.json to run webpack
  • Configure AWS CloudFront to cache static assets from your frontend deployment URL (heroku app url)

Static Server

  • Create a index.js that implaments a static server using express


Write a description of the project in your README.md Include a link to your deployed application