
Install ffmpeg from source and extra libraries into heroku

Primary LanguageShell

Heroku buildpack: FFMpeg

This is a Heroku buildpack for using ffmpeg in your project. This builds ffmpeg from source and installs some libraries used for converting media into common HTML5 formats.

Change the FFMPEG_URL as needed. This is a fork of heroku-buildpack-ffmpeg.

It doesn't do anything else, so to actually compile your app you should use heroku-buildpack-multi to combine it with a real buildpack.


To use this buildpack, you should prepare .buildpacks file that contains this buildpack url and your real buildpack url.

$ ls

$ cat .buildpacks

$ heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi

$ git push heroku master

You can verify installing ffmpeg by following command.

$ heroku run "ffmpeg -version"