
API for our Group Development Project for our 411 DBMS course.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

To start the API, you need to go to the directory via command prompt/terminal etc as root/admin etc.

Once there, simply run the following commands --

'npm install'

after that

'node .'

And that should start the server. From there, browse to localhost:3000/explorer to view all of the API documentation.

in /common/models is where you will find the models for these files, which we can edit to get to how we need them. I've established the foundation but a few changes still need to be made.

I believe some files in the server reference them as well, but from memory I can't recall when I edited them for some of the ID and a few mistakes.

Once someone has installed and verified the API runs correctly, please message me and let me know; if not, let me know what you're stuck on and I can help.

I generated this from the start, so some things may have been done that I was unaware of. From what I think though, the above two commands should be all you need to do.