
Transform stream that parses PCB Gerber and drill files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gerber parser

npm Travis Coveralls David David

A printed circuit board Gerber and drill file parser. Implemented as a Node transform stream that takes a Gerber text stream and emits objects to be consumed by some sort of PCB plotter.

how to

$ npm install gerber-parser

var fs = require('fs')
var gerberParser = require('gerber-parser')

var parser = gerberParser()
parser.on('warning', function(w) {
  console.warn('warning at line ' + w.line + ': ' + w.message)

  .on('data', function(obj) {

To run in the browser, this module should be bundled with a tool like browserify or webpack.


See API.md

developing and contributing

Tests are written in Mocha and run in Node and a variety of browsers with Zuul and Open Sauce. All PRs should be accompanied by unit tests, with ideally one feature / bugfix per PR. Code is linted with ESLint.

Code is deployed on tags via TravisCI and code coverage is tracked with Coveralls.

build scripts

  • $ npm test - runs Node unit tests, calculates coverage, and runs the lint task
  • $ npm run coverage - print the coverage report of the last test run
  • $ npm run coverage:html - generate an html report for the last test run
  • $ npm run lint - lints code
  • $ npm run test:watch - runs unit tests and re-runs on changes
  • $ npm run test:browser - runs tests in a local browser
  • $ npm run test:sauce - runs tests in Sauce Labs on multiple browsers
    • Sauce Labs account required
    • Local .zuulrc required
  • $ npm run ci - Script for CI server to run
    • Runs npm test and sends coverage report to Coveralls
    • If not a PR, runs browser tests in Sauce
    • Not designed to (and won't) run locally


The module is published to npm automatically by Travis if the commit is tagged (and tests pass). To deploy:

  1. $ npm version ... - Use the npm version command to bump the version and tag the commit
  2. $ git push --tags - Push the tag to trigger a build