This repository contains various resources related to ChatGPT training, Macrometa features, and a proof of concept app called "HTTP access logs".


  1. Sample Apps The Sample Apps folder contains a collection of sample applications used for ChatGPT training. These apps are designed to showcase different use cases and demonstrate the capabilities of ChatGPT in various domains.

  2. Code Snippets The Code Snippets folder contains a compilation of code snippets sourced from different places. These snippets specifically demonstrate the usage of various Macrometa features. You can explore these code snippets to learn how to leverage Macrometa's functionalities in your own projects.

  3. POC App: HTTP Access Logs The POC App folder contains a proof of concept application called "HTTP access logs." This application focuses on logging and analyzing HTTP access data. You can use this app as a starting point to understand how to capture, store, and process HTTP access logs in your own projects. The app may include sample code, configurations, and any additional documentation required to run it successfully.


If you would like to contribute to this repository, please follow the guidelines outlined in the file. Your contributions are highly appreciated, whether it's adding more sample apps, sharing useful code snippets, or enhancing the POC app.


The content of this repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code and resources, as long as you comply with the terms of the license.