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Dota 2 GSI Digest

How does it work?

The GSI object takes raw request from Dota 2 GSI's system, parses this to more comfortable form and calls listeners on certain events. You need to configure GSI file and receiving end yourself.


For Node and React

npm install dotagsi

Example #1

import express from 'express';
import { DOTA2GSI } from 'dotagsi';

const app = express();
const GSI = new DOTA2GSI();

app.use(express.raw({limit:'10Mb', type: 'application/json' }));

app.post('/', (req, res) => {
    const text = req.body.toString().replace(/"(player|owner)":([ ]*)([0-9]+)/gm, '"$1": "$3"').replace(/(player|owner):([ ]*)([0-9]+)/gm, '"$1": "$3"');
    const data = JSON.parse(text);

GSI.on('data', dota2 => {



Method Description Example Returned objects
digest(GSIData) Gets raw GSI data from Dota 2 and does magic GSI.digest(req.body) Dota 2 Parsed
on('event', callback) Sets listener for given event (check them below) GSI.on('data', data => console.log(data));

Beside that, DOTA2GSI implements standard Event Emitter interfaces.


Event Name Callback
Data incoming data (data: CSGO Parsed) => {}



dire or radiant

Item Type

slot or stash or teleport or neutral

Wearable Type

wearable or style

Dota 2 Parsed

Property Type
provider Provider
map Map
player Player or null
players Array of Players
buildings Array of Buldings
draft Draft
roshan Roshan
outposts Outposts
events Array of Events
neutral_items NeutralItems or null

Team Extension

Property Type
id string
name string
country string or null
logo string or null
map_score number

Player Extension

Property Type
id string
name string
steramid string
realName string or null
country string or null
avatar string or null


Property Type
health number
max_health number
faction Faction
attack melee or range or null
type tower or rax or fort
side good or bad
position top or mid or bot or null
number number or null


Property Type
name Dota 2
appid 570
version number
timestamp number


Property Type
matchid string
name string
game_time number
clock_time number
daytime boolean
nightstalker_night boolean
game_state string
paused boolean
win_team string
customgamename string
roshan_state string
roshan_state_end_seconds number
radiant_win_chance number
radiant Team
dire Team


Property Type
alive boolean
health number
max_health number
phase_time_remaining number
spawn_phase number
xpos number
ypos number
yaw number
items_drop Map or Item Names


Property Type
outsideNorth Faction or null
jungleNorth Faction or null
jungleSouth Faction or null
outsideSouth Faction or null


Property Type
event_type string
game_time number
various other values, depending on event_type unknown

Neutral Items

Property Type
team2 Team Neutral Items Tiers
team3 Team Neutral Items Tiers
tier0 Neutral Items Tier Summary
tier1 Neutral Items Tier Summary
tier2 Neutral Items Tier Summary
tier3 Neutral Items Tier Summary
tier4 Neutral Items Tier Summary

Neutral Items Tier Summary

Property Type
tier number
max_count number
drop_after_time number

Team Neutral Items Tiers

Property Type
items_found number
tier0 Neutral Items In Tier
tier1 Neutral Items In Tier
tier2 Neutral Items In Tier
tier3 Neutral Items In Tier
tier4 Neutral Items In Tier

Team Neutral Items in Tier

Property Type
item0 Single Neutral Item
item1 Single Neutral Item
item2 Single Neutral Item
item3 Single Neutral Item
item4 Single Neutral Item
completion_time number or null

Single Neutral Item

Property Type
name string
tier number
state `'stash'
player_id number or null


Property Type
ward_purchase_cooldown number
name string
map_score number
extra Custom object
id string or null
country string or null
logo string or null


Property Type
steamid string
name string
realName string or null
country string or null
avatar string or null
extra Custom object
hero Hero or null
courier Courier or null
abilities Array of Abilities
items Array of Items
wearables Array of Wearables
kill_list Array of KillEntries
activity string
kills number
deaths number
assists number
last_hits number
denies number
kill_streak number
commands_issued number
team_name string
gold number
gold_reliable number
gold_unreliable number
gold_from_hero_kills number
gold_from_creep_kills number
gold_from_income number
gold_from_shared number
gpm number
xpm number
net_worth number
hero_damage number
wards_purchased number
wards_placed number
wards_destroyed number
runes_activated number
camps_stacked number
support_gold_spent number
consumable_gold_spent number
item_gold_spent number
gold_lost_to_death number
gold_spent_on_buybacks number


Property Type
id number
xpos? number
ypos? number
level? number
name? string
xp? number
alive? boolean
respawn_seconds? number
buyback_cost? number
buyback_cooldown? number
health? number
max_health? number
health_percent? number
mana? number
max_mana? number
mana_percent? number
silenced? boolean
stunned? boolean
disarmed? boolean
magicimmune? boolean
hexed? boolean
muted? boolean
mana? boolean
break? boolean
aghanims_scepter boolean
aghanims_shard? boolean
smoked? boolean
has_debuff? boolean
selected_unit? boolean
talent_1? boolean
talent_2? boolean
talent_3? boolean
talent_4? boolean
talent_5? boolean
talent_6? boolean
talent_7? boolean
talent_8? boolean


Property Type
health number
max_health number
alive boolean
boost boolean
flying_upgrade boolean
shield boolean
respawn_time_remaining number
xpos number
ypos number
yaw number
items Array of Courier Item
lost_items Array of Courier Item
owner number
team? Faction

Courier Item

Property Type
owner number
name string


Property Type
id number
name string
level number
can_cast boolean
passive boolean
ability_active boolean
ultimate boolean
cooldown number
charges? number
max_charges? number
charge_cooldown? number


Property Type
id number
name string
type Item Type
can_cast? boolean
passive? boolean
item_level? number
purchaser? number
cooldown? number
charges? number


Property Type
activeteam number
pick boolean
activeteam_time_remaining number
radiant Team Draft
dire Team Draft

Team Draft

Property Type
home_team boolean
bonus_time number
picks Array of Draft Entries

Draft Entry

Property Type
type pick or ban
player_id number
class string
order number


Property Type
id number
type Wearable Type
value number