
App to manage shopping. Use login "test@test.com" and pw "tested"

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Shopping List

##Application to manage you shopping list

Demo - first version, very simple

Demo - second version, still in progress

/|\To login use :

login: test@test.com

password: testtest

It's just test data!

My first bigger project in react.

Kanban table for this project(only in polish)

You can add items to your list in nine category(pasta, meat, fruit and vegetables and more) Specify the maximum and minimum quantity, control the quantity that is available.
If the amount of product exceeds the minimum, the item will appear on the list, which you can send by e-mail, text or print.

In settings you can change language and theme.

You can log with mail.

I used Firebase as database and to authentication.
