
Labs for MIT class 2.680.

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The zip contains a svn repo. Moved to Git because who uses svn??!!

Things I Learned

1. MOOSDB apps


b. uXMS

c. uTimerScript

d. uPokeDB

e. uMS

f. pAntler

g. pHelmIvP

h. pXRelay

i. pMarineViewer

j. pShare

k. uField Toolbox

2. Writing MOOS apps in C/C++

a. GenMOOSApp

b. GenMOOSApp_AppCasting 

c. Adding apps to the build system

d. Subscribing to and publishing MOOS variables

e. Iterative problem solving

3. HelmIvP and behavior writing (C/C++)

a. Behavior writing and IvP functions

b. GenBehavior