PostCSS plugin to transform CSS Custom Properties(CSS variables) syntax into a static representation
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output css includes undefined
#140 opened by lovetingyuan - 2
It hangs, do I call it wrong?
#139 opened by kasperkamperman - 2
Maximum call stack exceeded
#135 opened by maciekpaprocki - 1
Variable X is undefined and used without a fallback
#138 opened by J05HI - 2
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postcss-css-variables: variable --color-text-5 is undefined and used without a fallback
#133 opened by cjy816618 - 0
Defining variable in a mixin fails and crashes
#132 opened by gjhltn - 2
Incorrect pseudo-selector output
#125 opened by siilike - 4
Edge case nesting causing no substitution
#76 opened by satazor - 4
Move postcss to peerDependencies
#127 opened by ilfa - 2
variables inside @font-face doesn't work in IE11
#124 opened by dippas - 10
Add option to generate descendant selector rules for rules that use a variable that has been redefined
#88 opened by brmc - 4
option preserve only for non supported browsers
#120 opened by dippas - 2
Why i get undefined value
#123 opened by tigerHeeJS - 1
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Negative variables are not compiled after update
#122 opened by sn3p - 2
postcss-loader config information
#118 opened by jonybuzz - 1
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Preserve: "true" only returns fallback declaration
#115 opened by dippas - 1
Parenthesis problem
#114 opened by Mangatt - 2
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Two fallbacks after preprocessing
#113 opened by DZakh - 2
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Optionally preserve
#94 opened by ar53n - 1
Unclosed Bracket error with Google MDC
#103 opened by hoomanb - 1
Variable fallback not working
#102 opened by alexhaines123 - 1
extend 3.0.1 prototype pollution
#107 opened by joao16ribeiro - 6
CSS selectors with multiple rules redeclared in media queries results in multiple blocks
#109 opened by runar - 3
Reduce nested calc for IE11
#66 opened by leifoolsen - 1
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TypeError in './lib/resolve-value.js' when the value of css-variable is not of string type.
#83 opened by shonie - 1
calc() description missing in the README
#80 opened by renestalder - 0
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var computed as undefined
#71 opened by tomkel - 4
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Fails when you pass the variables as an option and use a variable that doesn't exists.
#72 opened by igor-ribeiro - 1
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Is this project live?
#68 opened by equinusocio - 2
CSS variable declarations in media queries produce duplicate nested output
#64 opened by jhildenbiddle - 1
CSS variables features support comparison
#65 opened by nolimitdev