
Simple Laravel 5.2 Forum Software

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple Forum Software built using the Laravel PHP Framework


Grateful to use:

Installation for Testing Purposes

  • git clone https://github.com/MadMikeyB/foravel.git
  • composer install
  • mv .env.example .env
  • make a database (mysql, sqlite, etc) and set those details in the .env file.
  • if you choose sqlite, you have to edit config/database.php and change the driver here, and create the sqlite file inside storage/
  • php artisan migrate
  • php artisan key:generate
  • visit localhost/foravel/public (or wherever you cloned the repo to)
  • Register a user and play

NB: Initial Forum Creation must be done through the Database, add a row to the forums table. Forum rows with a parent of 0 will be treated as categories.


Copyright [2016] Michael Burton