
"Fun" isn't quite the right word.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The worst game in the world

This software is not a game. The game is writing this software.

Software is the worst, and JavaScript is the worst way to create it, so this is the worst game in the world.

The Players

How to Play

The players each take turns in sequence. The current player writes a statement in JavaScript and commits that statement to the repo. The next player contributes to the program by writing a new statement in JavaScript and committing that to the repo. This process continues indefinitely.

Run the game with:

node game

Note: The game will try to track the latest stable version of node.js.

The Goal

There is no goal.

The Rules

  1. At no time can any players discuss potential outcomes or goals of this program with any other player.
  2. Players cannot modify existing statements other than to fix compiler errors or to add to things like destructuring assignments, arguments, or imports.
  3. Fixing compiler errors in existing code does not count as a turn, and anyone can do it at any time.
  4. Any player that contributes code that results in a compiler error is to be mocked mercilessly and publicly, where possible.
  5. New players can join the game at any time by submitting a pull request to this readme with their github information.
  6. The rules of the game can change at any time so long as there is consensus amongst the players.
  7. Players should attempt to format code in such away to encourage contributions from other players. In other words, leave space in your blocks for more code.
  8. Adding or modifying import statements must be done in the same turn as the creation of the shell of the corresponding export.
  9. Wherever possible, players should attempt to "complete" dangling code paths rather than adding new ones. For example, if there is an empty or clearly useless if statement, contribute to that if statement rather than starting some new block.
  10. Players must always use brackets for loops and conditionals so other players can add new statements if they desire.
  11. Each player must complete their turn in 24 hours otherwise their turn is skipped.
  12. Players must be in the spirit of the game and must not intentionally make the next player's turn more difficult.
  13. Any disputes about turn duration, overlap, skipping, code quality, code style shall be resolved with loud arguments and/or civil pull requests to clarify rules. However, loud pull requests and civil arguments will not be tolerated.
  14. Files should 'use strict';, which does not count as a turn.
  15. Player order is alphabetical by last name.
  16. So players can forever reference them by number, game rules should always be added as new numbers. If any game rule is removed, it should be crossed out to preserve both subsequent rule numbers and the shame of the person that wrote the original, now-rejected rule.

Examples of legal turns

const foo = 'bar';
while (true) {

function nowai() {

const foo = require('./foo');

// only if you also create a foo.js file with a default export:
// foo.js
module.exports = function () {


Examples of illegal turns

// too much for one turn
while (true) {
  const foo = 'bar';
// compiler error
const foo =
// leave the brackets open for future code
if (foo) {}

// no brackets AND two statements, jerk
if (foo) return;