
Extend Blender python libraries by installing any pip package.

Primary LanguagePython

Install any python package/module into Blender

This is an alternative solution to the original forked repo: https://github.com/luckychris/install_blender_python_modules

This are usefull python functions that can be used to install or uninstall pip packages directly into blender
extending blender python libraries.


If using "import" like the examples bellow, add blender_pip.py to the same location where your init.py addon file is.

In case your addon is a single file, you can simply copy the code in blender_pip.py and paste it in your init.py file.

Let's say your addon needs "scipy" to function faster, then in your init.py file you can use:

from blender_pip import install_pip_package


Or if you then choose to not use the package anymore you can use:

from blender_pip import uninstall_pip_package


Alternatively you can use the original function instead of the partials:

from blender_pip import pip_package

# install

# uninstall
pip_package("scipy", install=False)


This should work in any Operating System, I tested it on Windows and it was forked from a user who tested it on MacOs but if it does not work on your system please open an issue so that I can update it and make it useful for anyone.