Application Structure

Based on the initial folder structure created by react-create-app and the Airbnb-react style guides.

├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── .gitignore
├── public
│   └── favicon.ico
│   └── index.html
│   └── manifest.json
└── src
    └── index.js
    └── routes.js
    └── components
        └── App
        └── ...
    └── containers
        └── ...
    └── state
    └── services
        └── auth
        └── maps
        └── geocoding
        └── JWT
        └── ...
    └── assets
        └── styles
        └── images
        └── fonts
    └── ...

The application entry point is /src/index.js. Here is loaded the first component: App. (Later we'll add here state, translations, (global stylings?) and other configurations.)

The App component is responsible for initializing the Router and loading the first routes from /src/routes.js. Nested routes are dynamically added, whenever necessary. See React-router v4.

Components structure

├── containers
│   └── Auth
│       └── LoginPage.js
│       └── SignupPage.js
│   └── UserPage
│       └── AccountPage.js  --> Stateful container
│       └── ProfilePage.js
│       └── ResultsPage.js
│       └── WorkoutsPage.js
│       └── index.js        --> Stateless container, wraps up the other stateful user pages
│       └── index.spec.js
│       └── index.css
│   └── Admin
│       └── ...
│   └── index.js  -- inital routes
│   └── MenuContainer
│       └── index.js (calls sidebar and navbar components)
│   └── HomePage
│       └── index.js (calls menu controller, page component, ...)
│   └── DetailPage.js
│       └── CoachDetailPage.js
│       └── EventDetailPage.js
│   └── ...
├── components
│   └── common
│       └── Button.js
│       └── H1.js
│       └── ...
│   └── layout
│       └── Page.js (renders menuContainer + children)
│       └── Sidebar.js
│       └── Navbar.js
│       └── Footer.js
│       └── List.js
│       └── ...
│   └── ...

Our react components are divided between components/containers. Note that:

  • Containers can be stateless
    • Examples: UserPage, FollowersSidebar, StoryContainer, FollowedUserList
  • Components can have state (UI state rather than data), event though they are merely presentational
    • Examples: Page, Sidebar, Story, UserInfo, List Our motivation for having a components/containers separation:
  • A separation by smart/dumb components makes it easier to apply rules such as "dumb components don't expose anything to the outside". For better understanding how we're using this approach, see this article by Dan Abramov and this gist by Micheal Chan.

Within the components, we also apply the following separation:

  • /components/common holds very generic and reused components such as Buttons, Headers (H1, H2, ...), form inputs (Input, Textarea, as well as more complex ones like Date-picker or Power-select),
  • /components/layout holds layout sections such as header, footer, navbar, etc.

Everything inside the /src folder is reachable with a global import, eg. import Button form component/common/Button.

Test files

We keep test files close to their components. It makes it easier to keep track of which components have tests and which don't. A tests folder apart from the components, mimicking the same structure, is cumbersome and hard to maintain. More detailed explanation here. (The same might apply for state files, later.)

State Management

We separate State Management (/src/state) from UI files (/src/components). See here why.

(What to use? Options: redux, mobx ? - ducks/re-ducks ?)

External libraries

External libraries or services are kept in /src/services. Think of these as all non-react component javascript.

Naming and Coding conventions

  • We follow the airbnb style guides, with the following exceptions:
    • .js extension: all javascript files, including those containing jsx, use the .js extension.
  • Tests: All test files (UI or state), use .spec.js
  • One react component per file

Server-side rendering

Beginners guides for SSR with node and express here and here


(To be decided... ) Shall we keep a similar structure to what we have in ember ? Possible plugins: react-intl, react-i18next Intl:

  • provides formatted dates (which replaces momentjs), numbers and text
  • no common configuration file?
  • react-intl-redux : for future integration
  • babel-plugin-react-intl: string messages from React components that use React Intl i18next:
  • not react-only
  • locize