
🏫 Students management app for an educational institution. Used to add new students, manage their data, manage the classes they belong to, manage their grades and the scholarships.

Primary LanguageJava

🏫 Students Management

Students management app for an educational institution. Used to add new students, manage their data, manage the classes they belong to, manage their grades and the scholarships.

🗓️ Developed during the December of 2020

⚙️ The managing companion tool of this app can be seen here.

🌟 Features

  • User authentication
  • Role-based access
  • Database connection handler
  • Network connection handler
  • Students Data
    • Show every student of the school and their data
    • Show the history of student data changes
    • Add a new student to the system
    • Update the data of a selected student
  • Classes
    • View all the students of a selected class
    • Add a student to a class
    • Move a student to another class
  • Gradebook
    • Show the grades of a student in a certain class from a certain subject
    • Add a new regular grade or the term paper's grade
    • Modify an existing grade
    • Delete an existing grade
    • Export the student's grades to a file
    • Show the arithmetic mean of the grades obtained by the selected student at a selected subject
    • Mark the absence of a selected student to the selected subject
    • Modify a selected absence
  • Schoolarships
    • View all the students that have the selected scholarship
    • Assign students to scholarships
    • Chnage the scholarship of a selected user

🔮 Technologies

  • Java for the app logic
  • Java Swing for the UI
  • MySQL database
  • MySQL Connector to connect to the database
  • JCalendar for graphically picking a date

👀 Preview

Login Main interface (teacher)

Students data

Students data Logs
Add student data Update student data

Class view

Class view (admin) Class view (teacher)
Add student to class Change student class


Gradebook view Select student
Select subject Export notes
Add grade Modify grade
Add absence Modify absence


Scholarships (teacher view) Select scholarship
Add scholarship Update student scholarship