
📱 Android application for monitoring small children and pets through the MQTT protocol.

Primary LanguageKotlin

📡 TrackerLocationConsumer

Android application for monitoring small children and pets through the MQTT protocol.

The TrackerLocationSender app can be used to obtain and publish the current device location. For more information about MQTT read this documentation.

🗓️ Developed during a summer intership at Cognizant

✨ Features

  • Authentication system
  • Connects to the tracking MQTT Broker
  • Subscribes to tracker/location topic to obtain location messages
  • Displays the current user location on the map
  • Allows adding targets (tracking subjects) by their associated ID
  • Obtains and records the location of the targets
  • Allows target management
  • Stores target data in Firestore
  • Displays the current location of all active targets on the map
  • Displays the route taken by the selected target
  • Displays a route that takes the current user to the selected target

⚠️ The location messages must have this format {"clientId":"<INSERT_ID>","latitude":<INSERT_LAT>,"longitude":<INSERT_LON>}

🔮 Technologies

  • Kotlin for the app logic
  • Jetpack Compose for the app UI
  • Compose Destinations for navigation across the app
  • Kotlin Coroutines to write non-blocking code that can be suspended and resumed
  • Kotlin Flows to handle streams of data asynchronously
  • Koin for dependency injection
  • Firebase for authentication and database
  • Google Maps SDK to show the map, routes, markers, and other related elements
  • Fused Location Provider to obtain the current location of the device
  • MQTT Protocol to subscribe to topics, publish location messages, and to receive them
  • HiveMQ as an MQTT Broker

🏗️ Architecture

This application follows the Model-View-Intent (MVI) architecture.

👀 Preview

Login Sign up Map
Add tracking subject Manage tracking subjects Display active tracking subjects
Route taken by the selected target