
Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton that is played on a 2D square grid. Each square (or "cell") on the grid can be either alive or dead, and they evolve according to certain rules

Primary LanguageJava


Conway's Game of Life as explained in the document statement. You can use the code skeleton provided here as a starting point. In that case, implement the evolve method in LifeImpl.java. There are also some helper methods in GameStateImpl.java Feel free to make changes to the code that help you capture all the rules of the game. You can add more tests in GameStateTest.java and LifeTest.java to verify the correctness of your code.

## Running the tests ##

Command line

You can run this project using your favorite text editor and the command line. You just need to have java 1.7 or later and maven installed. Then, from your command line, run mvn test in this directory in order to run all the tests.


To run this project in Eclipse:

  1. Install m2e in your Eclipse. Restart Eclipse as required
  2. Go to File -> Import, select Maven -> Existing Maven Project, then select this folder
  3. You should now be able to run any of the files in the test folder as required


Go to File -> Open, then select the pom.xml file in this folder. You should be able to run any of the test files as required.