

  • Given payload it will store it in the DB and then it will serve as an API.
  • There will be 2 API's:
    • POST
      • To put a json in the DB and crate a hash out of it
    • GET
      • Given a hash, return the JSON payload corresponding to the hash

Best Practices

  • Coding standards
    • Pre-Commit Hooks
      • Linting
      • Build and Unit Test
  • Every Pull Request is:
    • Built
    • Unit Tested
    • Code Coverage Reported in PR
    • Functional/Integration Tested
    • Security Standards tested
  • Every Merge to master:
    • All things in PR
    • Artifact is versioned and stored to "an" artifact repository
  • Deployment
    • A docker image is created with the environment required for the artifact to serve request
    • The deployment is done on a Kubernetes stack
  • Logging
    • All the system health metrics are logged to log server like a splunk or elastic searching
    • Dashboard for all the monitoring metrics
  • Analytics
    • All the business metrics flow into a server
    • Dashboard for all the analytics metrics to be tracked
  • Failure analysis
    • How does the system react when something is down ?
      • Databse is down
      • API server is down