
Or: How I Learned To Love Perl 6


Or: How I Learned To Love Perl 6

Here's a collection of variations on Camelia.

Orig-Camelia orig-Camelia-mono
perl6-logo-shadow perl6-logo-shadow-circle
perl6-logo-shadow-eyes-font perl6-logo-shadow-eyes-font-circle
zoffix-perl6-shadow-logo zoffix-perl6-shadow-logo-circle


Logo variations for Perl 6 (or 6lang) inspired by Camelia.

perl6-logo1 perl6-logo2
6lang-logo1 6lang-logo2
6lang-bw-logo1 6lang-bw-logo2
6lang-sticker perl6-sticker

Contribute Your Own!

Please make them around 512x512 and submit a PR! G


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. Permission to use is granted under the Artistic License 2.0, or any subsequent version of the Artistic License. [source]

All images added will be considered also under the same license.