
Stanza CSV parser package


Stanza CSV Package

Parses CSV files into a Tuple of Tuples


git clone https://github.com/MadcapJake/stz-csv.git vendor/csv
stanza vendor/csv/source/csv.stanza -pkg pkgs # only this line is needed
stanza vendor/csv/source/csv.stanza -pkg fast-pkgs -optimize

You could also just include csv.stanza in your list of source files when you compile.


defpackage foo :
    import core
    import csv

defn main () :
    val csv = CSV("/path/to/file.csv", false, ',')
    val records = parse(csv)



  • Auto-detect delimiter - try a set of common delimiters and pick the best option
  • Step function - do something to each record as it's parsed.
  • Filter function - conditionally remove records as they are parsed
  • Type conversion - convert to appropriate Stanza type
  • Comments - specify a character indicating a comment to skip in the parsing
  • Linting - provide CSV standard and ambiguity errors/warnings
  • To CSV - convert collections to CSV