
set of aliases to make git actions more intuitive

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


a set of aliases to make complex or rare git actions more intuitive


Add the following lines to your ~/.gitconfig

path = path/to/gitin2it/aliases

where path/to/gitin2it/aliases is the path, relative from the location of your .gitconfig file, to the aliases file in this repo.

Documentation Sytax

alias-name required-argument [optional-argument|'default-value'] [optional-argument]

What belongs here?

Git aliases that

  • are intuitively, idiomatically named *
  • replace commands that have switches...
    • git ignored vs. git ls-files --others --exclude-standard --ignored

      show ignored files in repository

  • ... or syntax
    • git back vs. git checkout HEAD~1
  • are named after google searches or stack overflow questions
    • "How do I unstage changes that I've commited?" git unstage vs. git reset
  • Implement as-of-yet-unimplemented features
    • git diff-stat automatically sizes stat output to terminal width
  • Wield the power of shell commands
    • two sequential commands: git scrub vs. git reset --hard; git clean -f -f -d; to remove all changes and new files
    • optional common defaults:
      • git set-upstream // defaults to origin
      • git set-upstream remote-other-than-origin // sets the upstream remote to (an existing) one other than origin

What doesn't belong here?

  • abbrevations
    • git co for git checkout
  • personalizations or niceities, such as a custom log format with certain fields, colors, etc.


  • define approach to verb tenses, nouns, plurals (e.g. changes, change, changed)
  • add filename argument to delete
  • ignore: add a file or directory to .gitignore
  • blamedir: like blame, but shows who introduced files in a directory

* Who decides what is intuitive or idiomatic?

I do.