
Kafka Connect connector for receiving and writing InfluxDB Data.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Source Connectors


The InfluxDBSourceConnector is used to emulate an InfluxDB host and receive messages written by an InfluxDB client.


Name Type Importance Default Value Validator Documentation
http.enable Boolean High true Flag to determine if http should be enabled.
http.port Int High 8080 ValidPort{start=1000, end=65535} Port the http listener should be started on.
https.enable Boolean High false Flag to determine if https should be enabled.
https.port Int High 8443 ValidPort{start=1000, end=65535} Port the https listener should be started on.
topic.prefix String High influxdb.
allowed.databases List Medium []
health.check.enable Boolean Medium true Flag to determine if a health check url for a load balancer should be configured.
health.check.path String Medium /healthcheck Path that will respond with a health check.
https.key.manager.password Password Medium [hidden] The key manager password.
https.key.store.password Password Medium [hidden] The password for the ssl keystore.
https.key.store.path String Medium Path on the local filesystem that contains the ssl keystore.
https.trust.store.password Password Medium [hidden] The password for the ssl trust store.
https.trust.store.path String Medium The key manager password.
thread.pool.max.size Int Medium 100 [10,...,1000] The maximum number of threads for the thread pool to allocate.
thread.pool.min.size Int Medium 10 [10,...,1000] The minimum number of threads for the thread pool to allocate.
http.idle.timeout.ms Int Low 30000 [5000,...,300000] The number of milliseconds idle before a connection has timed out.
https.idle.timeout.ms Int Low 30000 [5000,...,300000] The number of milliseconds idle before a connection has timed out.

Standalone Example

# The following values must be configured.

Distributed Example

    "name": "connector1",
    "config": {
      "connector.class": "com.github.jcustenborder.kafka.connect.influxdb.InfluxDBSourceConnector",

Source Connectors


The InfluxDBSinkConnector is used to write data from a Kafka topic to an InfluxDB host. When there are more than one record in a batch that have the same measurement, time, and tags, they will be combined to a single point an written to InfluxDB in a batch.


Name Type Importance Default Value Validator Documentation
influxdb.database String High The influxdb database to write to.
influxdb.url String High The url of the InfluxDB instance to write to.
influxdb.password Password High [hidden] The password to connect to InfluxDB with.
influxdb.username String High The username to connect to InfluxDB with.
influxdb.consistency.level String Medium ONE ValidEnum{enum=ConsistencyLevel, allowed=[ALL, ANY, ONE, QUORUM]} The default consistency level for writing data to InfluxDB.
influxdb.timeunit String Medium MILLISECONDS ValidEnum{enum=TimeUnit, allowed=[NANOSECONDS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS]} The default timeunit for writing data to InfluxDB.
influxdb.gzip.enable Boolean Low true Flag to determine if gzip should be enabled.
influxdb.log.level String Low NONE ValidEnum{enum=LogLevel, allowed=[NONE, BASIC, HEADERS, FULL]} influxdb.log.level

Standalone Example

# The following values must be configured.

Distributed Example

    "name": "connector1",
    "config": {
        "connector.class": "com.github.jcustenborder.kafka.connect.influxdb.InfluxDBSinkConnector",