
C++ wrapper for open62541 (OPC UA library) licensed under Mozilla Public License v2.0

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


License: MPL 2.0 CI Documentation Compatibility Coverage

Documentation · Examples

open62541++ is a C++ wrapper built on top of the amazing open62541 OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture) library.

Features and goals:

  • High-level and easy to use classes similar to the python-opcua API:
    • opcua::Server
    • opcua::Client TODO
    • opcua::Node
  • Safe wrapper classes for open62541 UA_* types to prevent memory leaks
  • Native open62541 objects can be accessed using the handle() method of the wrapping classes
  • Extensible type conversion system to convert arbitrary types to/from native UA_* types
  • Cross-platform (tested on Windows, Linux and MacOS)
  • Compatible with all stable open62541 versions (> v1.0)
  • Easy installation and integration with CMake
  • Use modern C++ (C++ 17) and best practices
  • Less hurdle to get started with OPC UA


#include <iostream>

#include "open62541pp/open62541pp.h"

int main() {
    opcua::Server server;

    const opcua::NodeId myIntegerNodeId{"the.answer", 1};
    const std::string   myIntegerName{"the answer"};

    // add variable node
    auto parentNode    = server.getObjectsNode();
    auto myIntegerNode = parentNode.addVariable(myIntegerNodeId, myIntegerName);

    // set node attributes
    myIntegerNode.setDisplayName("the answer", "en-US");
    myIntegerNode.setDescription("the answer", "en-US");

    // write value

    // read value
    std::cout << "The answer is: " << myIntegerNode.readScalar<int>() << std::endl;


Type conversion

Type conversion from and to native UA_* types are handled by the opcua::TypeConverter struct.

Compile-time checks are used where possible:

opcua::Variant var;

// will compile
int number = 5;
var.setArrayCopy<double>({1.1, 2.2, 3.3});

// won't compile, because the std::string can't be assigned without copy (conversion needed)
std::string str{"test"};

// won't compile, because the type std::string is associated with more than one variant types:
// - opcua::Type::String
// - opcua::Type::ByteString
// - opcua::Type::XmlElement

// finally compiles
var.setScalarCopy<std::string, opcua::Type::String>("test");

You can add template specializations to add conversions for arbitrary types:

namespace opcua {

template <>
struct TypeConverter<std::string> {
    using ValueType = std::string;
    using NativeType = UA_String;
    using ValidTypes = TypeList<Type::String, Type::ByteString, Type::XmlElement>;

    static void fromNative(const NativeType& src, ValueType& dst) { /* ... */ }
    static void toNative(const ValueType& src, NativeType& dst) { /* ... */ }

}  // namespace opcua

Type map of built-in types

Type Enum opcua::Type Type Typedef Wrapper Conversions
Boolean UA_Boolean bool
SByte UA_SByte int8_t
Byte UA_Byte uint8_t
Int16 UA_Int16 int16_t
UInt16 UA_UInt16 uint16_t
Int32 UA_Int32 int32_t
UInt32 UA_UInt32 uint32_t
Int64 UA_Int64 int64_t
UInt64 UA_UInt64 uint64_t
Float UA_Float float
Double UA_Double double
String UA_String opcua::String std::string
DateTime UA_DateTime int64_t opcua::DateTime std::chrono::time_point
Guid UA_Guid opcua::Guid
ByteString UA_ByteString UA_String opcua::ByteString std::string
XmlElement UA_XmlElement UA_String opcua::XmlElement std::string
NodeId UA_NodeId opcua::NodeId
ExpandedNodeId UA_ExpandedNodeId opcua::ExpandedNodeId
StatusCode UA_StatusCode uint32_t
QualifiedName UA_QualifiedName opcua::QualifiedName
LocalizedText UA_LocalizedText opcua::LocalizedText
ExtensionObjectDataValue UA_ExtensionObject opcua::ExtensionObjectDataValue
DataValue UA_DataValue opcua::DataValue
Variant UA_Variant opcua::Variant
DiagnosticInfo UA_DiagnosticInfo opcua::DiagnosticInfo


The library can be installed using CMake. Add it to your project as a Git submodule (git submodule add https://github.com/open62541pp/open62541pp.git) and link it with CMake:

add_subdirectory(extern/open62541pp)  # the submodule directory
target_link_library(myexecutable PRIVATE open62541pp::open62541pp)

Please check out the open62541 build options here: https://www.open62541.org/doc/1.3/building.html#build-options

open62541++ provides additional build options:

  • UAPP_INTERNAL_OPEN62541: Use internal open62541 library if ON or search for installed open62541 library if OFF
  • UAPP_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION: Build documentation
  • UAPP_BUILD_EXAMPLES: Build examples for examples directory
  • UAPP_BUILD_TESTS: Build an run tests
  • UAPP_ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY: Enable static code analysis with Clang-Tidy
  • UAPP_ENABLE_COVERAGE: Enable coverage analysis


  • open62541 as integrated submodule or external dependency
  • catch2 for tests