
User documentaition for the virtual research environment.

Primary LanguageRuby

Landing page of Datascience.hu.nl

User documentation for the virtual research environment of the HU. Aanpassing Margreet

Run site locally

You need Jekyll to build this site using:

bundle exec jekyll serve


All changes to master are automatically built using GitHub actions and pushed to our ansible control node. In order to publish the changes, the output files need to be copied to the gateway machines using ansible.

Site map

|-- Home
|   |-- Jupyter
|   |   |-- index.md  (parent page)
|   |   |-- buttons.md
|   |   |-- code.md
|   |   |-- labels.md
|   |   |-- tables.md
|   |   +-- typography.md
|   |
|   |-- 
|   |   |-- index.md      (parent page)
|   |   |-- color.md
|   |   |-- layout.md
|   |   |-- responsive-modifiers.md
|   |   +-- typography.md
|   |
|   |-- (other md files, pages with no children)
|   +-- ..
|-- index.md
+-- ..
+-- ..
|-- (Jekyll files)
|-- docs
|   |-- ui-components
|   |   |-- index.md  (parent page)
|   |   |-- buttons.md
|   |   |-- code.md
|   |   |-- labels.md
|   |   |-- tables.md
|   |   +-- typography.md
|   |
|   |-- utilities
|   |   |-- index.md      (parent page)
|   |   |-- color.md
|   |   |-- layout.md
|   |   |-- responsive-modifiers.md
|   |   +-- typography.md
|   |
|   |-- (other md files, pages with no children)
|   +-- ..
|-- (Jekyll files)
+-- ..