
Original GitHub mirror of our legal code website formerly hosted on legal.madbeythepins.tk, now archived for https://gitlab.com/RecapTime/hosted-instance-resources/site-policy.

MIT LicenseMIT

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Legal Codes Website by the Pins

Welcome to the Pins team's repository of our legal website. This GitLab repository contains the things we wrote in building the legal codes website in docs folder. We use GitLab Pages to generate the whole legal code website with Mkdocs, an Python static site generator.

Want to contribute?

If you're an attorney or a lawyer: See docs/about/CONTRIBUTING/for-law-experts.md for help on how to contribute on this project.

If you're an ordinary person and want to contribute: See CONTRIBUTING.md on root folder of this repository or open docs/about/CONTRIBUTING.md file for help on how to contribute on this project.

For translations: See TRANSLATIONS.md on root folder or open docs/about/translations if you want to translate the whole legal code website. Any translations will be placed at https://gitlab.com/MadeByThePins-DevLabs

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct and Contributing Guide. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. Additional terms may apply on using GitLab.com.


The source code is licensed under MIT License, while the website and user contributions licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported unless otherwise specified in docs/about/copyright.md.