
Official team handbook of Recap Time squad, mirrored from GitLab SaaS

Primary LanguageShellMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Official English Team Handbook

Gitpod Ready-to-Code GitLab Merge Requests Welcome Badge

Welcome to Recap Time's fully open-sourced English team handbook! This is where the source files for the English Handbook website (en.handbooksbythepins.gq) hosted and generate with Mkdocs which are handled by the GitLab CI.

While the term The Pins Team is still used here, we're the same humans here, probably we need an better legal company name in the future.

Usage and Deployment

GitLab CI

The GitLab CI configuration is ready to use if you duplicate or fork this project to your side. No extra step required and feel free to customize it on your needs. Just edit and wait for first successful deplyoment.

Local Deployment

You can clone this GitLab into your machine to contribute to the project

  • Clone the project to your machine locally using git clone in your command line.
# You can specify the folder name like this one.
# If you forget to do that, you can use this later: mv official-handbook-en ThePinsTeam-OfficialHandbook-en
dekulefthegroup@Not-Literally-Your-Ubuntu-VM: ~$ git clone https://gitlab.com/MadeByThePinsHub/handbook.git ThePinsTeam-OfficialHandbook-en

# Open the folder where you cloned the whole repository
dekulefthegroup@Not-Literally-Your-Ubuntu-VM: ~$ cd ThePinsTeam-OfficialHandbook-en
  • In case you don't have Git installed, you can download the source code as an .zip file. Extract it somewhere afterwards. Replace master in handbook-master.zip to the the branch you want to export, like handbook-staging.zip
# We'll using wget to download those files. After downloading the zipped files, we'll unzip it.
dekulefthegroup@Not-Literally-Your-Ubuntu-VM: ~$ wget https://gitlab.com/MadeByThePinsHub/official-handbook/-/archive/staging/handbook-staging.zip | unzip -l "handbook-staging.zip"
  • Install or update Python and pip to latest stable build using either Docker, your machine's package manager or from official Python website. Afterwards, install mkdocs and mkdocs-material using pip from the provided requirements.txt file.
dekulefthegroup@Not-Literally-Your-Ubuntu-VM: ~/ThePinsTeam-OfficialHandbook-en $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Count how many words are there in the handbook directory and check how many with an online tool.
find handbook-src -type f | xargs wc -w # Wait for the answer, then calucate!
  • Run an new development server by using mkdocs serve command. Edit as you go and it'll refreshes every single save. Inspect for any errors and fix it.

  • When everything is clear, use mkdocs build to generate documentation website files.

With Gitpod

Once you open this repository in Gitpod and finished the init process, the dev server will be started on port 8080.

Open in Gitpod

See handbook-src/about/CONTRIBUTING/using-gitpod.md for details on how you can use Gitpod in contributing to the project.


Mozilla Public License Creative Commons

The handbook and this repository is both licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internatinal License. Feel free to remix this repository and use them on your own team.

Media content, like photos and videos are not covered by the licenses stated above unless otherwise specified.

CONTRIBUTING and Handbook Feedback

For contributions, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file in root directory of this repository or at the live preview website.

We are also seeking for community feedback in improving the handbook, so feel free to remix and edit.