
modulate and demodulate an ntsc video signal in a shader

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


modulate and demodulate an ntsc video signal in a shader

compile with glslify

ntsc was a broadcast television standard used in north america, the caribbean, parts of south america, and a few places in east asia and the pacific. ntsc was mostly discontinued in 2009 for over-the-air use but lives on in legacy consumer electronics such as game consoles and vhs tapes made for ntsc regions.

this module has not been tested against an actual ntsc signal, but it can decode its own signals with some fidelity.


this example modulates and then demodulates a picture from an image file.

check the example directory for a demo that reads from a visual effect written to framebuffer and then modulated and demodulated.

var glsl = require('glslify')
var regl = require('regl')()
var fbopts = [
  { color: regl.texture({ width: 720*2, height: 262 }) },
  { color: regl.texture({ width: 720*2, height: 263 }) }
var fbo = [

  manifest: { picture: { type: 'image', src: 'smpte.png' } },
  onDone: (assets) => {
    var draw = {
      modulate: regl({
        frag: glsl`
          precision highp float;
          #pragma glslify: modulate = require('glsl-ntsc-video/modulate')
          varying vec2 vpos;
          uniform float n_lines;
          uniform sampler2D picture;
          void main () {
            float signal = modulate(vpos*0.5+0.5, n_lines, picture);
            gl_FragColor = vec4(signal,0,0,1);
        vert: `
          precision highp float;
          attribute vec2 position;
          varying vec2 vpos;
          void main () {
            vpos = position;
            gl_Position = vec4(position,0,1);
        attributes: { position: [-4,-4,-4,+4,+4,+0] },
        elements: [0,1,2],
        framebuffer: regl.prop('framebuffer'),
        uniforms: {
          n_lines: regl.prop('n_lines'),
          picture: regl.texture({ data: assets.picture, flipY: true })
      demodulate: regl({
        frag: glsl`
          precision highp float;
          #pragma glslify: demodulate = require('glsl-ntsc-video/demodulate')
          uniform sampler2D signal0, signal1;
          varying vec2 vpos;
          uniform float tick;
          const float PI = ${Math.PI};
          void main () {
            vec2 v = vpos*0.5+0.5;
            vec2 r = vec2(720,485);
            vec3 rgb0 = demodulate(v, vec3(262.0,r), signal0);
            vec3 rgb1 = demodulate(v, vec3(263.0,r), signal1);
            vec3 rgb = mix(rgb0,rgb1,sin(v.y*PI*2.0*242.5)*0.5+0.5);
            gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb,1);
        vert: `
          precision highp float;
          attribute vec2 position;
          varying vec2 vpos;
          void main () {
            vpos = position;
            gl_Position = vec4(position,0,1);
        attributes: { position: [-4,-4,-4,+4,+4,+0] },
        elements: [0,1,2],
        uniforms: {
          signal0: regl.prop('signal0'),
          signal1: regl.prop('signal1'),
          tick: regl.context('tick')
    var tick = 0
    frame(); frame()
    window.addEventListener('resize', () => { frame(); frame() })
    function frame () {
      draw.modulate({ framebuffer: fbo[tick%2], n_lines: tick%2 ? 263 : 262 })
      regl.clear({ color: [0,0,0,1], depth: true })
      draw.demodulate({ signal0: fbo[0], signal1: fbo[1] })


#pragma glslify: modulate = require('glsl-ntsc-video/modulate')
#pragma glslify: demodulate = require('glsl-ntsc-video/demodulate')

float signal = modulate(vec2 uv, float n_lines, sampler2D picture)

return the modulated floating point signal from 0.0 to +1.0 for uv in unit coordinates (values from 0 to 1, inclusive) where (0,0) is the bottom-left. the picture texture should have its (0,0) at the bottom-left too.

n_lines is the total number of lines (262 or 263).

vec3 rgb = demodulate(uv, vec3(n_lines,width,height), sampler2D signal)

decode a texture signal with its red channel set as modulated ntsc from 0.0 to +1.0 for uv in unit coordinates (values from 0 to 1, inclusive) where (0,0) is the bottom-left.

n_lines is the number of lines (262 or 263).

width and height are the decoded size of the resulting visual image (use 720,485).

For higher precision you can use a floating point texture for signal although in practice it doesn't appear to make much of a difference.




npm install glsl-ntsc-video