
Python program to parse .bsp file and do stuff with it

Primary LanguagePython


Python program to parse .bsp files and do stuff with it.

With awful debug shader™ !!! awful shader


use pip install -r requirements.txt


run BSPViewer.py -h for help:

usage: BSPViewer.py [-h] [--entities [ENTITIES]] [--outpath [OUTPATH]] [--serialiser SERIALISER] [--display] filename

View BSP maps

positional arguments:
  filename              BSP map path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --entities [ENTITIES], -e [ENTITIES]
                        exports entity bounding lines to display on server.
  --outpath [OUTPATH], -o [OUTPATH]
                        output path for entities. Supported formats: (json, csv)
  --serialiser SERIALISER, -s SERIALISER
                        force `outpath` format to something else
  --display, -d         show map in OpenGL window


Shows the map in a window:
  python3 BSPViewer.py maps/de_dust2.bsp -d

Saves all trigger_push bounding edges to a json file:
  python3 BSPViewer.py maps/de_dust2.bsp -e trigger_push -o output.json

Saves all trigger_teleport bounding edges to a csv file with default name:
  python3 BSPViewer.py maps/de_dust2.bsp -e trigger_teleport -s csv


  • LMB and drag - rotate camera
  • AWSD - move around
  • QE - look to left/right
  • up/down arrow - move up down
  • ctrl+r - reset to origin
  • ctrl-g - teleport to location (you need to run the script from some kind of console for that)