
Web App For AngelHacks Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Avenue - Server Side code

API documentation

Routes Structure

Base URL:


Authentication Routes:

Doctor Register

  • POST /authenticate/doctor/register : Parameters (name, email, password, contact)

  • Response : {success: true, message: "Doctor registered successfully"}

For Example, calling in NodeJS,

    .headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    .end(function (response) {
        if (response.body.success === true)
            res.render('registered.hbs', { code: 'Congratulations! You have successfully registered'});
            res.render('registered.hbs', { code: 'Sorry! There was some problem, please try again!'});

Doctor Login

  • POST /authenticate/doctor/login : Parameters (email, password)

  • Response : {success: true, message: "Doctor logged in successfully", doctor: }

For Example, calling in NodeJS

    .headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    .end(function (response) {
        // res.render('docPat.hbs',{ patData: response.body.doctor.patients });

Disease Register

  • POST /authenticate/disease/register : Parameters (name, description)

  • Response : {success: true, message: "Disease registered successfully"}

Normal User Register

POST /authenticate/user/register : Parameters (name, address, geoaddress, email, password, contact)
Response : {success: true, message: "User registered successfully"}

Normal User Login

POST /authenticate/user/login : Parameters (email, password)
Response : {success: true, message: "User logged in successfully", user: <user object>}

Doctor Routes:

Close a case

- POST /doctor/closeCase/:patId/:docId : URL Parameters (patientId, doctorId)
- Response : {success: true, message: "Case closed successfully"}

Fetch all patients of a specific doctor

- POST /doctor/fetchAllPatients/:id : URL Parameters (doctorId)
- Response: {success: true, message: "Fetched all the patients", patients: <Array of patient objects>}

Fetch geocoordinates of all the open cases

- GET /doctor/fetchAllCoordiantes
- Response: {success: true, message: "Coordinates fetched successfully", coordinates: <Array of filtered objects containing the geocoordinates>}

Open a case by a specific doctor

  • POST /doctor/openCase/:docId : URL Parameters (doctorId), Parameters (name, address, geoaddress, email, contact, disease_name, disease_desc, img_url)

  • Reponse: {success: true, message: "Patient registered successfully"}

Locate all the open cases within 4km of current location

  • POST /doctor/nearbyCases : Parameters (current_lat, current_long)
  • Response: {success: true, message: "Fetched the cases within 4km", cases: <Array of cases within 4km>}

For Example, in NodeJS

    .headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    .end(function (response) {
        // res.redirect(`fetchAll/${}`)

Follow the following steps

  1. Clone the repo (Either git clone or download the repo)

  2. npm install

  3. npm start


  1. Sell as a product

  2. Sell as a service