
This is a React application that allows you to create, display, update, and delete scenarios and vehicles. A scenario can have multiple vehicles, and vehicles can be moved based on their direction and speed. The application uses a JSON server to store and retrieve data.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


đź”—Live Link:https://frontend-apexplus.netlify.app/

This is a React application that allows you to create, display, update, and delete scenarios and vehicles. A scenario can have multiple vehicles, and vehicles can be moved based on their direction and speed. The application uses a JSON server to store and retrieve data.

#Features -

  • Create, read, update, and delete scenarios
  • Create, read, update, and delete vehicles

Tech Stacks used -

  • React.js
  • React Router for routing
  • CSS for styling
  • JSON server for data storage


  • react
  • react-dom
  • react-router-dom
  • react-scripts
  • styled-components
  • react-icons
  • axios


To run this application on your local machine, follow these steps:

  • Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repo.git
  • Navigate to the project directory using cd react-scenario-vehicle-simulator
  • Install the dependencies using npm install
  • Start the JSON server using npm run server
  • In a new terminal window, start the development server using npm start
  • Open http://localhost:3000 to view the app in the browser.

Features of this Frontend Application -

Home Page

  • The landing page of this frontend application showcases the details of all vehicles.


Add Scenerio and All Scenerios page

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Add Vehicle, All Vehicle and Update vehicle.

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