
This Movie searching app is to get details about latest Movies, TV Shows according to our search. It will give you information about director, actor, rating, genre, year, popularity, origin all this together.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🎬📽 Movie-Details-Searching-App 🎥💿

🔗Live Link:https://redux-movie-app-beryl.vercel.app/

This is an individual project impleted in 5 days. This Movie searching app is to get details about latest Movies, TV Shows according to our search. It will give you information about director, actor, rating, genre, year, popularity, origin all this together.

Tech Stacks used -

  • React:
  • Redux-Toolkit :
  • SCSS:


  • react
  • react-dom
  • react-router-dom
  • react-scripts
  • styled-components
  • react-slick
  • react-icons
  • react-multi-carousel
  • axios
  • redux, reduxjs/toolkit

Features of My Movie-Details-Searching-App -

Home Page

  • This is the main landing page of this website. Here clicking on any movie will redirect the user to respective movie details page.
  • user can search movies and watch details by clicking on it from the Navbar section.
  • There are many slider of diffrent type of movies and shows.



Movie Details Page

  • In this page user can see the individual Movie details, TV Shows according to our search. and also It will give you information about director, actor, rating, genre, year, popularity, origin all this together.
