🔗Live Link:https://nike-store-ecommerce-opal.vercel.app/
This Ecommerce website built by using React, Redux-Toolkit, tailwind. It is an individual project completed in 4 days.
- React:
- Redux :
- TailwindCSS:
- react
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- styled-components
- heroicons/react
- splidejs/react-splide
- react-multi-carousel
- axios
- redux
- tailwindcss
- This is the main landing page of this website. Here user can see all items, and if they want to buy any of these products they can select it by clicking Buy Now button.
-This is the user's cart page, after clicking on the Buy now option users can see their product on the cart page. To get redirected to this page users need to click on the cart option in the navigation bar. Here users can check the product name, quantity, and total price.