Trying out the New WebRTC p2p networks.Learning What is WebRTC and How well we can Use that.
- Check there is a connection stable on the iceconnction State
- Create Datachannel,AddTracks or Do whatever you Spcifically want to share on the RTCPeerConnection() before Creating #Offer or #Answer
- Creating Offer of the Answer Will be the Final Stage (i.e,) Before Exchanging SDP
- for the Video Processing Use Offer-Pranswer-Answer Mechanism
- IceTricleCandidate shold be True & connectionState should be connected
const localConnection = new RTCPeerConnection()
localConnection.onicecandidate = e => {
console.log(" NEW ice candidnat!! on localconnection reprinting SDP " )
const sendChannel = localConnection.createDataChannel("sendChannel");
sendChannel.onmessage =e => console.log("messsage received!!!" + )
sendChannel.onopen = e => console.log("open!!!!");
sendChannel.onclose =e => console.log("closed!!!!!!");
localConnection.createOffer().then(o => localConnection.setLocalDescription(o) )
//set offer const offer = ...
const remoteConnection = new RTCPeerConnection()
remoteConnection.onicecandidate = e => {
console.log(" NEW ice candidnat!! on localconnection reprinting SDP " )
console.log(JSON.stringify(remoteConnection.localDescription) )
remoteConnection.ondatachannel= e => {
const receiveChannel =;
receiveChannel.onmessage =e => console.log("messsage received!!!" + )
receiveChannel.onopen = e => console.log("open!!!!");
receiveChannel.onclose =e => console.log("closed!!!!!!"); = receiveChannel;
//create answer
await remoteConnection.createAnswer().then(a => remoteConnection.setLocalDescription(a)).then(a=>
//send the anser to the client
//this opens the connection
localConnection.setRemoteDescription (answer).then(a=>console.log("done"))