
This program is an implmentation of A-star algorithm for a turtlebot (burger).


  • Python
  • Gazebo
  • ROS
  • Opencv 4.1.0
  • Numpy
  • queue

Steps to run the package

1.Navigate to the source folder of your catkin workspace and clone the package

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/Madhunc5229/a-star-turtlebot

2.Build the package

cd ..
cd catkin build

3.Launch the program which was simulated on real turtlebot

roslaunch astar astar_comp.launch
rosrun astar mainNode_comp

4.To launch the version which was used for simulation only:

roslaunch astar astar.launch
rorun astar mainNode

3.Program inputs

  • RPM values for the turtle bot (ex: 1,5)
  • start position - x,y,angle (fixed : 3,3,0) as the bot is spwaned using launch file
  • end postion - x,y (ex: 90,90)

Action space for non-holonomic robot considered for generating nodes


Video link for output of A-star implementation on burger turtlebot3 : https://youtube.com/shorts/tdTCO5UjJfM?feature=share

