
This repository contains programs related to:

  • Feature detection (implementation of Harris corner detection)
  • Feature tracking : optical flow (implementation of Lucas-Kanada algorithm)
  • Shape alignment (Affine transformation)
  • Feature matching (Matchin SIFT descriptors using 2 metrics)

All the implementations are programmed from scratch without using any in-built functions except for minor operations such as convolution

1. Feature detection

We first compute the image gradients using which we form the second moment matrix. The harris score I have considered is the ratio of determinant of second moment matrix to trace of the matrix.

Corner detection
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2. Feature tracking : optical flow (implementation of Lucas-Kanada algorithm)

After getting the key points in the image, we start to track them across a sequence of images. We do this by taking patches of images t and t+1 and solve for the displacement by least squares and add them to the tracking points.

Second set of Tracked Points
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Progress for 20 points Full sequence
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3. Shape alignment (Affine transformation)

First, a transformation matrix is initialized and ICP (Iteratice Closest Point) alogrithm is implemented to compute affine transformation between two images. Image is transformed using this affine transformation matrix.

Image 1 Image 2
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Image 1 aligned as Image 2
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4. Feature matching (Matchin SIFT descriptors using 2 metrics)

The SIFT descriptors are matched using two metrics. One is distance ratio of two nearest neighbors and the second one being distance of the nearest neighbhor

Matches using only distance Matches using distance ratio of two nearest neighbors
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