
Miniproject Contributors:

Madhur Dixit | Harsh Gada | Amey Gangan

Problem Statement: Create an App for Job Portal System which will allow Job Seeker /Employee to search for jobs. Nowadays Job portal sites/apps have got huge importance as we can’t apply for the jobs physically due to pandemic. This system is recruiter as well as applicant friendly as it has overcome many disadvantages of the old Job Portal System.

Objectives: The main objective of this system is to provide the information about new jobs. This app can help any Fresher/Employee to search for any job available. Employers/ Companies can post the job details like Position, Description, CTC offered, etc and can track the number of applicants applied and view their resumes. They can recruit employees from a number of applicants based on their skills.

Technologies Used:

Front End: HTML | CSS | php

Backend: MySql | php

Project Section or Fields:

1)Home Page includes: • Home • About Us • Latest News • Contact • Login Section o User Name o Password o User Type o Login Button o Forgot Password • New Employer/Job Seeker Registration

2)Employer Registration includes:

• Company Name • Contact Person • Address • City • Email • Mobile No. • Area of Work • User Name • Password • Confirm Password • Security Question • Answer • Submit

3)Employer Interface includes:

• Home • Profile • Manage Jobs • Manage Walkin -Notice Timing for live in-person interviews • Applications • Logout

4)Job Seeker Registration includes:

• Name • Address(optional) • City • Email • Mobile • Qualifications • Others • Gender • Birth Date • Upload Resume • User Name • Password • Confirm Password • Security Question • Answer

5)Job Seeker Interface includes:

• Home • Profile • Education • Search Job • Walkin Details • Feedback • Logout

  1. Admin Interface includes: • User • Manage Job Seeker • Manage Employer • Feedback • News • Logout

Functions Implemented:

  1. A verification mail must be sent to the user whenever the register for the first time in the system.
  2. Job seekers can apply for any number of jobs.
  3. Validating Jobseekers/Employees by Sign in/ Log in system.
  4. Users(both) can update their resume and profile.
  5. A Feedback system for both Job seekers for quick resolution of complaints if any.
  6. Job Seekers can view all applied jobs.
  7. Filter based (Drop Down) search applied.
  8. Companies/Employers can post jobs with detailed description.
  9. Companies can view the job applicants resume and profile.
  10. Company can send a descripted call letter to applied job applicants.
  11. Better UI Design to get the webpages user friendly.
  12. User authentication will be done through email.
  13. Fake or multiple accounts not possible to create.
  14. We can create new passwords for users and if they forget it ,they can complete new password generation with help of verification codes.
  15. Latest new can be added by Admin
  16. Recommendation mails are sent to users whenever a new job posting is created in their field of interest.