
Data Analysis on a companies total sales at various branches using Power Bi

MIT LicenseMIT

Sales Data Analysis with Power BI


This project involves analyzing a company's total sales across various branches using Power BI. Report Report

Data Modeling

The data is structured using a Star Schema model.

Data Modeling

Data Cleaning

1. Sales Market Table:

  • Removed Non-India Entries: Excluded transactions without a region specified, as they were outside India. The focus is solely on transactions within India, where the company operates.
    • Before Cleaning:
      • Data Cleaning Sales Market Before
    • After Cleaning:
      • Data Cleaning Sales Market After

2. Sales Transactions Table:

  • Removed Invalid Entries: Excluded transactions with a sales amount of zero or negative. Added a new column norm_curr, converting all USD amounts to INR for consistency (1 USD = 83 INR).
    • Before Cleaning:
      • Data Cleaning Sales Transactions Before
    • After Cleaning:
      • Data Cleaning Sales Transactions After
  • Handled Currency Duplicates: Addressed data duplication due to inconsistent currency types (INR, INR/r, USD, USD/r). Kept the rows with INR/r and USD/r as they had more reliable data and removed the duplicates (INR and USD).
    • Before Cleaning:
      • Data Cleaning Sales Transactions Before
      • Data Cleaning Sales Transactions Before
      • Data Cleaning Sales Transactions Before
    • After Cleaning:
      • Data Cleaning Sales Transactions After

Lessons Learned

  • Data Modeling
  • Power BI
  • Data Transformation and Cleaning
  • Exploratory Data Analysis


This project is based on a coding challenge from the Codebasics YouTube channel's Sales Insights Power BI project. Special thanks to Codebasics for the guidance and resources.