
Packages issues

romainreignier opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for this nice setup, I will give it a try while I reinstall my Arch computer.
It is my first time using ansible.

While running the setup-02 file, I have encountered some issues:

  • libpipewire02 does not exist anymore
  • nerd-fonts-dejavu-complete does not exist anymore
  • archivemount tarball link has a SSL certificate issue which makes yay fail (issue reported by another user on the AUR page already), I have replaced it with the -git version

The aur part try to use yay but it is not yet installed.
From the kewlfft.aur readme, selecting use: auto should use makepkg but it did not work for me, so I had to install yay manually before.

Thank you. I'll take a look the next days


I think that nerd-fonts-dejavu-complete has been replaced by ttf-dejavu-nerd

I also had issues with the env variables for ZSH because ZDOTDIR pointed to /zsh, so it look like the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable is empty when evaluated.

I did not touch the system since my last attempt. It was on a Arch clean install with only ansible and git installed manually.

Madic- commented

I created a test environment and fixed many deployment bugs, especially when coming from a minimal arch setup. Also fixed, besides many other bugs, the installation of and with yay.
Haven't yet looked into the zsh problem