Telegram Bot for save notes callable through inline mode and set reminders!
Fork this project, create a new branch, commit all changes and create a pull request!
If you want to help translate this project create a new file into lang/ directory named: message.languagecode.php. Use the file message.en.php as a guide. If you've seen a wrong translation send an issue.
Download a release, unzip, execute create_table.SQL to create tables in your MySQL Database, setup config.php and set Telegram webhook to bot.php file.
After that you should execute cronjob.php
every minute, just setup a cron-job.
You can simply run setWebhook.php
If you want to do it manually use this URL:
For example:
Remember that the TOKEN must start with 'bot' and the BOTURL with 'https://'.
If you like my work, you could make a donation: PayPal or BitCoin. Thank you!
Follow me on my Channel: @franci22channel (Italian Version) and @franci22channel_en (English Version).