
Space Invaders game programmed in C with libX11

Primary LanguageC

C-uper Space Invaders 🚀

A remake of the classic arcade game written in C language.

Archived project

This game was one of my first projects in C, it contains bad code, don't look at it.



  • Player 1:
    • Left and right arrows to move
    • Up arrow/Space bar to shoot
  • Player 2:
    • Left Control to join
    • S and F to move
    • E to shoot



Install dependencies and you should be able to compile and run.


To compile for windows, you'll need :

  • A Unix like environment (via Cygwin for example)
  • Install dependencies and run make
  • Start a X server (XWin Server, installed with cygwin automatically) before running the game


  • X11
  • SDL and SDL_mixer


Open a terminal in project root and run ./space

If you want to start game at wave 4 for example, just run ./space 4

Keep playing until the Final Wave, there's a surprise at the end !


  • If gcc is unable to find the libs :

    1. open src/makefile
    2. add /path/to/libs to LIBS_PATH variable (don't forget -L)
  • If make command returns a "Clock skew detected" error:

    1. run make clean
    2. then find src -exec touch \{\} \;
    3. and re-compile again with make