
My entry for the Game Boy Jam and OLC jam 2020

Primary LanguageC++

History Leaks

A game created in 8 days for the GameBoy Jam and the OLC Jam 2020.

Everything in the include/NasNas and src/NasNas folders is the game framework used to create the game.

Everything else was written during the jam.

You can find more informations about the NasNas game framework here

My brother @ABD-Z helped me by doing characters sprites, artwork and titlescreen, everything else was me.

You can download the game from itch : https://madour.itch.io/history-leaks


Idée du jeu:

Le joueur est un conservateur de musée, il souhaite devenir le musée numéro un au monde.

Pour cela il a crée the great machine , une machine à remonter le temps

Remonter le temps pour voler des reliques anciennes et les disposer dans son musée