
A text editor written in C++.

Primary LanguageC++


A text editor written in C++.

This is a screenshot of its current state: Screenshot

Notice the multiple cursors. Screenshot with debug mode enabled: Screenshot


In order to compile this application, you will need a valid C++ compiler, capable of compiling code which relies on C++11 standards.

External libraries used:

For information about how to install and set up SDL and SDL_ttf, visit http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson01/index.php

For information about compiling for specific platforms, see COMPILING.md

If you are on Linux, you will also need to install xclip:

sudo apt-get install xclip

Alternatively use pacman or yum instead of apt-get


  • Syntax highlighting for C++
  • Pasting
  • Cursor positioning with mouse
  • Debug mode - press F1 to enable
  • Multiple editors. Press PAGE DOWN to select #1, PAGE UP to select #2
  • Selections. Click one place, and shift-click somewhere else to select.

Known bugs

None, currently. For newest bugs, see the "Issues" tab.