Snapshot Duplicator

Snapshot duplicator is used, as the name implies to duplicate proposals from one, or more Snapshot spaces to another.
Its motiveted by a need from LOBIS DAO described in Google Docs


Snapshot duplicator requires some configuraiton in order to work.

1 - Application configuration

The main application configuration is located in here.
Here you can define your snapshot proposal configuration, as well as the sources you intend to duplicate from.

export const config: ApplicationConfig = {
  spaces: new Map<string,SpaceConfig>([
    [ /* Frax space configuration */
      'frax.eth', {  /* Space id*/
        name: 'Frax', /* String to identify the space */
        destination: 'fabien.eth', /* Destination space for the duplicate proposal */
        voteClose: 7200, /* In seconds: duplicateEnd = originalEnd - voteClose */
        filter: (data) => true /* Function to filter out any unwanted duplicates, return false to filter out */
  snapshotConfig: {
    space: 'fabien.eth', /* Default desination space for any missconfigured snapshot */
    strategies: [ /* Snapshot voting strategies, check out snapshot docs for more info */
          name: 'erc20-balance-of',
          params: {
            symbol: 'sLOBI',
            address: '0x8ab17e2cd4f894f8641a31f99f673a5762f53c8e',
            decimals: 9
    network: '1', /* Snapshot network (1 == EthMain), check out snapshot docs for more info on all the possible networks */
    plugins: {}, /* Snapshot plugins, check out snapshot docs for more info */
    metadata: {} /* Snapshot metadata, check out snapshot docs for more info */
  discordChannelId: '912732018465452042' /* Discord channel id to which the bot will send the message */

2 - Secrets

This app uses secrets from AWS secrets manager check out the implementation here.
It expects the following secrets structure:

    privateKey: string, /* private key used to sign the created proposals */
    discordToken: string /* discord bot token for authentication */

Build and deployment

This project was build using node14 so make sure to set your local node version to 14.


npm install npm run compile

AWS deployment

sam deploy --guided




Low level architecture

Low level architecture

AWS integration architecture

AWS integration architecture