

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Machine Learning Methods for Cervical Cancer Classifier


This is a challenge for our course IMA205. There are 2 tasks: binary classification and multi-class classification.

  • For classifier, I implement [None, "SVM", "RF", "Bagging", "Logistic", "KNN", "PSO_SVM", "XGBoost", "MLP", "AutoML"], None means use all classifiers

  • For feature extraction, I implement [None, "martin", "marina", "sift_kmeans", "dong", "martin_marina_dong"], None means use every pixels as features

  • feature selection, I implement [None, "pca", "kpca", "spca", "select_best", "RF", "ExtraTrees", "shap", "RFECV", "SFS", "permutation"]

Recommended environment

python 3.6
opencv-contrib-python 3.4.2.
xgboost 1.2.0
shap 0.36.0
mljar-supervised 0.8.9

Dataset DownLoad

Change the data directory "train_data_dir", "train_gt_dir" and "test_data_dir" in the machine_learning_dataloader.py to your own data directory.

Now I don't have the test labels

Train and Predict

  • You can firstly have a look at the arguments of the machine_learning_main.py
    python machine_learning_main.py --help
  • Example
  1. Binary classification
    python -u machine_learning_main.py --classifier "SVM" --binary True --mask_mode True --extract_feature "marina" --cv_mode "Grid"
  1. Multiclass classification
    python -u machine_learning_main.py --classifier "SVM" --binary False --mask_mode True --extract_feature "martin_marina_dong" --num_clusters 50 --cv_mode "Grid"
  • You can also write all these codes in the machine_learning_main.sh and then run them all
    sh machine_learning_main.sh


Here are some results. Because of some personal reasons, I lost most of submission history, and these are the few submission entries left.

Binary classification

Classifier feature_extraction feature_selection feature number Public Score
SVM marina None None 0.94339
AutoML marina None None 0.94072

Multi-class classification

Classifier feature_extraction feature_selection feature number Public Score
SVM martin_marina_dong RF 50 0.77220
XGBoost martin_marina_dong RF 50 0.76109
AutoML martin_marina_dong None None 0.76821

Future work

  1. For the method sift_kmeans. Maybe it's better to use the library of sklearn "KElbowVisualizer" to help to select the best number of clusters.

  2. Check the implementation of the feature extraction functions.

  3. Visualize some results such as the results of feature selections methods.


  1. https://liverungrow.medium.com/sift-bag-of-features-svm-for-classification-b5f775d8e55f
  2. https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42486554/article/details/103732613
  3. https://github.com/mayuri0192/Image-classification
  4. https://github.com/budingtanke/image-classfication-SIFT-BOW
  5. https://github.com/cohenNitzan/SVM-Kmeans-SIFT-pipe
  6. https://www.osgeo.cn/opencv-python/ch05-imgcontours/sec03-contour-properties.html#aspect-ratio
  7. https://github.com/joefutrelle/oii/tree/49d5f9dbd1675cf2c336dbb7df9c8195d087a3b1/ifcb2/features
  8. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265873515_Pap-smear_Benchmark_Data_For_Pattern_Classification
  9. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8451588
  10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02256-9
  11. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6694/12/12/3564/s1
  12. https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01420292/document
  13. https://github.com/slundberg/shap
  14. https://github.com/mljar/mljar-supervised

There are also some codes from my course lab works.