- 2
t2m extractor files are no longer available
#71 opened by PPierzc - 0
How to convert the 3D data into 2D form?
#72 opened by Pride-Huang - 1
A long time during evaluation
#67 opened by shuowang666 - 1
About text_mot_match
#68 opened by Haifeng-Lu - 4
About Sampling and Calculating FID Score
#69 opened by RohollahHS - 4
SMPL mesh rendering sigle image
#70 opened by ChangeNext - 1
- 1
Can this really run with just 32GB vram?
#45 opened by YOUNG-WLI - 3
Can not reproduce the reported results.
#61 opened by blue-blue272 - 6
- 1
Motion in-betweening
#63 opened by julkaztwittera - 2
- 3
- 1
One question about VQ-VAE
#59 opened by smandava98 - 2
- 1
- 2
The issue on the evaluation of VQVAE
#62 opened by LinghaoChan - 1
ValueError: Imaginary component
#22 opened by npapargyr - 1
2D motion prediction and keypoint format
#60 opened by julkaztwittera - 1
Error in running demo code
#27 opened by ZombieLei - 0
Use Hugging Face
#31 opened by ymx-fat - 1
How to calculate the trans between each frame?
#50 opened by laugher07 - 1
Constraining starting and ending pose
#56 opened by LeyangWen - 1
- 4
render smpl gif not the same as joints
#25 opened by ywdong - 1
KIT VQ-VAE Training details
#52 opened by EricGuo5513 - 5
How many motion indexes do you have?
#53 opened by gwyong - 0
small question about the vq-vae paper
#57 opened by kwon852456 - 4
Maximum length of the code index sequence
#42 opened by npapargyr95 - 0
Generate SMPL Mesh for rotation data in colab
#54 opened by Mighty303 - 2
A Collab result inconsistent with the paper
#23 opened by kingchurch - 0
About the model's height and body shape
#51 opened by shingo1216 - 1
Difference between your work and TM2T.
#39 opened by phj128 - 3
T2M-GPT generated the Fatal Error joints points
#46 opened by Thunderltx - 0
question about vq-vae reconstruction loss
#48 opened by pangwong - 1
Number of motions computation
#47 opened by rd20karim - 2
Controlling seed
#44 opened by lassemt - 1
export onnx model
#43 opened by songjiahao-wq - 1
- 2
Why the first stage dataset is only 64 frames?
#40 opened by exitudio - 2
Environment file
#35 opened by tommyshelby4 - 0
question about motion representations
#38 opened by leisurehippo - 0
Generate SMPL mesh
#37 opened by laugher07 - 3
Getting issue while evaluating model
#36 opened by LokeshSaipureddi - 1
Can you provide the pretrained model for KIT?
#32 opened by qiqiApink - 1
- 1
The result of real motion
#30 opened by Ssstirm - 2
training from scratch
#29 opened by deeptimhe - 4
- 5
95% confidence interval
#24 opened by exitudio