A17 Blog


You need to have PHP, NodeJS and MySQL to run this project. We recommend using Laravel Valet in local development.


$ cd exercise-repo
$ composer install
$ cp .env.example .env
$ php artisan key:generate

Note: Do not forget to start your database!

Make sure to update your .env file:


Once you're done, you can seed the database with data:

$ php artisan migrate --seed


You can run application tests with Artisan:

$ php artisan test


Important points

  • Any user can sign up and create their own blog (back office)
  • Any visitor can see all posts (front)



  • Need to register, be logged in login.


  • email, unique and valid
  • password, 8 characters mini and some special characters
  • username, unique with no special characters. Slug



  • Order by published_at, from now to older (reverse chronological)
  • Need pagination (8 per page).
  • Permalink page <site>/<username>/<post_unique_slug_from_title>.
  • Each post view should include a link back to the user's author <site>/<username>


  • title, slug
  • author_id, id of the user who has made the post
  • body, text
  • published_at, datetime (when a post is published)

Process log

  • Updated packages using composer update.
  • Checked unit tests by running php artisan test. (cmt: composer update and unit tests checked)
    • fixed could not find driver (SQL: PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;) issue by enabling the pdo_sqlite extension.
  • Created an account and tested everything that is written down in the "Initial requirements" section. (cmt: initial review of application)
    • During this process, I was able to replicate the permission issue (#2) by replacing the post's slug in my post's edit page URL with other post slug created by another user.
    • The permission issue #1 doesn't exist - The user can't edit content without logging in.
  • Strategy: While it is an existing project, I decided to maintain the existing style and make as few changes as I can.
  • Issue #1: Stronger passwords. (br: stronger-passwords-issue-1)
    • Found the PasswordValidationRules trait with the method passwordRules used in password-related validations.
    • Updated rules, added: 'min:8', 'regex:/[^\w]/'.
    • Added a new method passwordCustomMessages for specifying that the regex error is related to special characters.
    • Passed custom messages (using unpacking ... operator) as a second parameter in every action which uses the passwordRules method. (cmt)
    • Added the new test_registration_fails_with_invalid_password test case. (cmt)
    • Created PR and merged.
  • Issue #2: Permissions. (br: post-permissions-fix)
    • Found PostPolicy and post's update and store requests, which are used in the posts controller.
    • Registered PostPolicy in AuthServiceProvider.
    • Added try/catch block in PostController's update method to authorize the user and return an error message. (cmt)
    • Added the new test_user_cannot_edit_other_users_post test case. (cmt)
    • Created PR and merged.
  • Issue #3: Performance. (br: performance-issues)
    • Reviewed code and found out:
      • The posts query seems nice and could be optimized in some small details, but it isn't critical.
      • The authors query needs a lot of optimizations and has critical issues.
    • Optimizing authors query used in the sidebar component ("Random authors"):
      • Moved the take method before the get method in the query chain.
      • The method with was replaced with the withCount method and added is_active = true condition to replicate the logic used in the authors.blade.php template
      • Updated the authors.blade.php template to use posts_count property
      • Updated the @include directives - passing the authors variable to make obvious, which data is used by the component (increases readability)
      • Tested, worked - centralized the updated query as a scope to reuse in other controllers (cmt)
    • Considerations about the posts query:
      • Posts query is a pretty good one. I would consider with PM to disable the future publishing ('published_at', '<=', Carbon::now()) check in the Post's published scope (if it isn't planned), because it is useful with publish scheduling feature and we haven't it in this project.
      • I would consider adding caching by pages here, but this change adds the "delay" in displaying new posts on the front, so it needs some discussion too.
      • Also, indexing some columns (author_id, published_at) could be helpful.
    • Created PR and merged.