Documentation Coverage Plugin

Node Version required: 14 or above


  1. npm i doc-coverage
  2. Create a .doccoverage.json file in the root of the project. For help on the config file, refer Config Help section
  3. Run the command ./node_modules/.bin/doc-coverage in the terminal in root directory to get coverage.
  4. A folder called doc-coverage is created in the root. It contains a detailed coverage report.

Config Help

Config refers to the json that need to be added in .doccoverage.json file. Following are the available keys with description.

  1. source - Path to the source folder.

  2. excludedPaths - Array of Path regex to be ignored while calculating Coverage of the pure JS Files.

  3. excludedComponentPaths - Array of Path regex to be ignored while calculating Component File Coverage(inside components folder).

    • Example - if only index files are to be considered for stories, add ^((?!index.js).)*$ in the array. This ignores all files except index.
  4. foldersWithComponentFiles - Array of folder names containing all UI components.

  5. storiesFolderPath - Path to the stories folder to be provided if it is outside the source folder.

  6. ecmaVersion - ECMA Script Version (required for parsing into ast), by default latest is used.

  7. framework - framework used (currently react, vue and svelte are supported), by default react.

Ignore a Component File

If a particular Component file is to be ignored and a generic path regex to exclude cannot be created - Add /*!Doc Coverage Ignore*/ as the first line in the file.

Example of a situation when one might need to ignore a file - A small Component file with no props, for which neither storybook nor prototype is required.

Sample Config

  "source": "./src",
  "excludedPaths": [
    "/assets/", "/components/","/containers/", "/__test__/", "/config./"
  "excludedComponentPaths": ["/__test__/", "^((?!index.js).)*$"],
  "foldersWithComponentFiles": ["components", "containers"],
  "framework": "svelte",
  "storiesFolderPath": "./stories"

Default Config

If no config is provided, the following is used as the default config

  "source": "./src",
  "excludedPaths": [
  "excludedComponentPaths": ["/__test__/"],
  "foldersWithComponentFiles": ["components", "containers"],
  "storiesFolderPath": "./stories"

Results Summary in console

Refer the following image link for example

We get 3 tables in the console -

  1. JS Files Coverage - For Non Component files. The script looks for leading documentation comments for all top level blocks of a file. ( 1 scope = 1 top level block/function )

  2. Component File Coverage - A Component File is considered fully documented if it is either imported in atleast one '.stories' file or has prop types defined. We get 3 scores in this table -

    1. Fully Covered Components - Fully documented Components / Total Components
    2. Storybook Coverage - Components with stories / Total Components
    3. PropTypes Coverage - Num of prop types / Total Props
  3. Total Coverage - Combined Score of JS Files and each of the three Component Scores.

Detailed Coverage Report

A file called docCoverageReport.json is created under a directory called doc-coverage which contains the file wise coverage.

Apart from giving the same information as the tables in console it has 2 extra keys -

  1. fileWiseCoverageJSFiles - Object with file path as the key. Example:

    "path-to-app/src/app.js": {
      "funcCoverage": {
        "urlB64ToUint8Array": false,
        "onMessageReceivedSubscriptionState": true,
        "onMessageReceivedSubscribe": true,
        "onMessageReceivedUnsubscribe": true,
        "broadcastReply": true,
        "persistSubscriptionLocally": true
      "fileCoverage": "83.33%"
  2. fileWiseCoverageJSX/fileWiseCoverageVue/fileWiseCoverageSvelte - Object with file path as the key. Example:

    "path-to-app/src/index.js": {
      "hasStory": false,
      "hasAllPropTypes": false,
      "componentType": "Functional",
      "missingPropTypes": [
      "coverage": "25%"

Important Note

To get an accurate prototypes coverage, destructure the props. Currently this syntax is not identified by the parser => {props.something}. Instead use the following syntax const {x,y,z} = props;