.NET 6.0

Webscrapping and Google Maps information downloader

This application can do webscrapping and collecting informations about place exising in google maps.

for example:

• Website • Address • Phone number • Email address

To use this app you have to get Google Maps API Key and turn on Geocoding API and Places API to be able to search for all of informations mentioned ealier.

At the beginning open application and go to settings to fill out the Google Maps API Key and websites which you want to look for on each webiste found in google maps place then choose excel file and click on cell where your list begins. (eg. Company X have website addres on Google Maps and your company Y have some kind of advertising on Company X website it can be image with hyperlink. I fill out company Y website addres in table "websites to search". After clicking start button application is start looking for each place website address and place informations mentioned ealier if website addres will exists then the webscrapping is started and it starts looking in website X for my website Y if there will be some kind of src or href values with name of company Y website - application will count all of website value occurrences in table.)

Email address is downloaded from website not from Google Maps Place! Google Maps does not provide possibility do download email address by Geocoding API and Places API. Sometimes webistes doesn't include contact email address on home site then this app cannot get that information.